Monday, February 15, 2010

Back in Tennessee for Now

What is up with this winter?

One light dusting is our typical winter and right now I'm looking out at our yard covered in snow for the 4th time. It's so funny because the rest of the Nashville is hating it and Joshua is all excited and giddy. I think spending 2 months of winter in south Texas where you can wear short sleeves once a week makes enduring the 23 degrees more bearable.

So here's the short form update. Joshua has been in Nashville since the beginning of February. All the horses are sold. When he left Texas the house was under contract. Today the contract fell apart and so we still own a ranch in south Texas that has a garage full of restaurant equipment. There's a short list of people who want to see it and one who says they want to make us an offer so hopefully this time next week we'll be back under contract.

Acclimating back to "real life" has been a little strange. Our life basically stopped on December 2nd and so returning to a world that has continued turning for 2 whole months is a bit startling. We are slowly getting our sea legs back but I'm trying to be okay being just a little shaky for a while. I would like us to be able to just jump back in but if we were going full speed then running into the brick walls we still hit (like contracts falling through) would hurt a lot more.

1 comment:

Lauren S said...

I'm so sorry it fell through! I hope a new one comes through quickly and painlessly...