Monday, February 2, 2009

Finished Projects

We are slowly finishing the projects we have set out to do since our return from Europe. So this week I will feature one a day...for 3 days. Yeah, we have only have three of them finished but I'm not going to let your rolling eyes bother me in the slightest.

If you remember back in July we set out a plan for our bedroom and last week the finishing touches went up (or at least the finishing touches around the bed). I sewed some silk dupioni into a panel that we rigged to hang from the ceiling to cover all the ugly wires. It makes the room feel a little fancier.

I'm really enjoying sewing panels. Let me know if you need any curtains because I am so mastering all kinds of methods to make panels. Tomorrow you will see that I can even sew canvas now...I'm telling you its getting crazy over here.

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